Payment Options

Interac-e transfer:  Interac-e tranfers are transfers of money made by email from one account to another, within and across financial institutions.  It is the easiest, cheapest and most commonly used form of payment.  The four major Canadian banks and a number of other institutions participate in the transfer (IMG and some credit unions) – HSBC and Van City do not participate.

To do the transfer click on the ‘Transfers’ menu at your financial institutions web site and then click on ‘Interac-e transfer’.  Then, just fill in the fields.  Money is transferred from one email address to another and no account information is required.  You need to select a security question and answer for me, and let me know what they are so I can collect the money.

Pay Pal:  I accept payment through Pay Pal, but need to charge a 5% commission because that is what I am required to pay in order to receive the payment.

Direct Deposit:  I can give you my bank branch and account numbers, and you can directly deposit the fee to any branch of my bank convenient to you.   

Van City:  I have access to a Van City account that you can transfer funds to, if you bank at Van City